Thursday, March 27, 2008

This is an AMAZING use of the Internet for Activist Investing

The Deal, earlier today, posted an article about Eric Jackson that describes two campaigns that Mr. Jackson waged that may have impacted the strategies of both Motorola and Yahoo!

What Jackson did was to create a video on YouTube where he described his problems with Motorola (the Deal article shows the video, but here it is in case you can't access it):

During the video, he suggested that other investors, if they agreed with him, could look at a "Plan B" that he posted as a Wiki (a document that others could add comments to) and set up a site where other investors could pledge their shares in support of his plan (he received pledges for approximately 600,000 shares, or $10.8 million when he started his campaign in July - only $6 million today).

It is unclear what influence, if any Mr. Jackson had on the changes at Motorola and Yahoo!, but he has certainly found a new way to utilize the tools of the Internet for investors to make their voices heard.

Quite impressive in my opinion.

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